What Would You Say?

Categories: Brynlee Blog


Ok, I know it’s been a while, but I’m at the point where I’m not sure what to write. So we’ll see how this goes…

Over the past four weeks, we have had three interviews with our social worker. Luckily, she is amazing and so interviews are actually fun! The first interview was basic information. It was about an hour long. Interview number two was “the big one.” It lasted about four hours total. Ben and I started out together with the social worker and filled out a questionnaire. We weren’t allowed to discuss our answers. She, the aforementioned social worker, compared our answers and looked for red flags, things we might be hiding. Then I had a two hour interview with her alone, and then Ben did the same. The process was tedious, but not scary. She asked about my health history, which has been one of my primary concerns in parenting. She wanted to know how I had processed my many illnesses and surgeries, and how it has changed me. Many of the questions she asked were very helpful for me in preparing for adoption.

Today was our FINAL interview. It was more about how we want to parent and discipline Baby G, and we did a walk through of the house to make sure it was safe. I can’t believe that we are “done.” Now the report (Home Study) has to be written up by our social worker, and that should take until the end of the month. The final component involves Stephanie, my best friend and new roommate. Her husband Joe is deployed to Afghanistan, and will be back in July. Because she is living with us, she also has to meet the social worker and do a short interview, and of course, the FBI background check. Once Stephanie’s background check comes back clear, we are eligible for our book to be shown to potential birth families.What book you ask? What an excellent question! Ben and I have the responsibility of creating a scrapbook of what we want birth families to know about us. We had some amazing family pics (including our 4 pound Yorkie, Usher) taken by Christine David Photography [shameless plug: check her out on FB]. We are still working to make sure we convey as much of our personality and lifestyle as possible in our scrapbook. The most challenging part, however, is not talking about ourselves (no comments from the Peanut Gallery). It is the end of the scrapbook where Ben and I each have to write a letter to the birth mother and the birth father. This is the only time that we communicate directly to them and have the opportunity to say all that we want to say. So far, I want to say that I am grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to have a child. Grateful for selfless parents who are parenting by looking out for their babies best interests. Grateful that God has adopted all of us to be His sons and daughters. I want to say thank you. Thanks for being willing to go through this painful process to make sure your child is taken care of. Thank you for considering us. And finally, we are praying for you. Praying that God will show you exactly who the best family is to raise your child. That God will give you peace and comfort as you make this decision. That you would feel God’s presence as you grieve, and as we celebrate this tiny life in our home.

I welcome prayers from friends and family. Share a link to our blog on your social media and ask for prayer from your friends. I also welcome input. If you were adopted or have adopted, or even if you are in the process or considering adoption or placing a child for adoption, please write to us. Ask questions, give advice, love on each other through this space.

I am grateful for all of you.


Author: bengurrad

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