The Birth Day

Categories: Brynlee Blog


Monday September 2nd, 2013 started off just like any other normal day at the Gurrad house. Our five pound Yorkie, Usher, woke me up by hitting me in the face. I went through my morning routine. Took the dog out, got my coffee and read my bible.

I had just finished reading when I heard Brooke getting up out of bed. Not often do I hear her come running down the stairs, so I immediately knew something was happening. Brooke says, “Brynlee was born! Oh my gosh, she is here!” To which I reply, “Guess we should get on a plane!”

The next hour was a frantic mix of getting ready and notifying our family of what was going on. I took a shower while Brooke booked flights. Then she showered and I started calling family and packing. It was crazy! We were able to get out of the house in under an hour and on our way to the airport. (Huge thanks to Mike and Ben Davis for riding up with us to take our car home!)

Once at the airport we made it quickly through security and found our gate, sat down and let the facebook world in on what was going on. It was incredible to see how many people were excited about our huge news! I think something like 120 people liked our status within the first 20 minutes! Brooke and I sat there just trying to process what was happening, in awe of the support and God’s goodness. We couldn’t help but notice all the little babies that filled the airport, excited to meet our own.

The plane ride was normal, a tiny tin can flying thousands of feet in the air with way to little leg room. We tried to keep our minds busy by playing Monopoly on our iPad, Brooke would like me to mention that she beat me. We got to Salt Lake, got a rental car and headed out to find a place to stay, possibly for the next two weeks or more.

After some “getting lost” we checked in and unpacked, before we were to meet the birth grandparents for the very first time. But, after a long day of traveling we both realized we had to find something to eat before we both passed out. Thankfully I am a very smart man and knew that one of my wife’s favorite places to eat was located in Salt Lake. We found a Chick-Fil-A that happened to be located right across the street from the Hospital. We nervously ate some delicious food and then headed over to the hospital without any idea how this was all going to happen, but absolutely thrilled to meet our daughter.

Watching Brooke hold her, I couldn’t help but get chocked up looking at the two most important women in my life. My girls! I quickly took her away from Brooke after snapping some quick photos. I then sat down and my daughter was placed into my arms for the first time, and I melted! A huge smile was stuck on my face and I just wanted to hold her forever. She kept looking at me, and she knew that she had me wrapped around her little finger already, just like her mother!

We got tons of pictures, and then all to quickly it was over. We gave her back to her birth grandmother and then headed back to our hotel. It was so extremely hard to walk away and leave her their, but we knew that this was now the “birth” process of our adoption. This was going to be the hard part. The emotionally draining and challenging part of the process for us.

That night we posted pictures for all of our friends and family who were waiting for their first look at Brynlee. Again, it was overwhelming to see how many friends and family were overjoyed and just excited for our little family.

Eventually we calmed down and were able to sleep. What an eventful Labor Day 2013.

Stay tuned for the day after… it wasn’t so easy!

Author: bengurrad

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